Web monitoring

your listening to the world

What is web listening used for? To collect data and analyse it in order to produce strategies oriented towards listening and from listening to the network.

HDM’s team of experts can help you analyse the sentiment of your brand, define the positioning of your company on social networks compared to your competitors, define the topics of conversation related to your company and/or products, analyse the cross-media diffusion of the news in order to understand on which channel it generates the most engagement and on which channels it is picked up.

The experience in different sectors and the statistical and communication skills within our team will also allow you to carry out more detailed analyses based, for example, on the web audience’s perception of your product/service or a comparison with your competitors’ product portfolios. We can build new and more suitable indicators for your social campaigns together with you.  

Web listening and communication activities

Social Listening

Newspaper Monitoring

Community Online


How it works

Web listening and social monitoring activities are managed via Unity, our twice-patented platform.

The advantages of our solution:

  • Unique and patented methodology
  • Cross analysis of all types of information
  • Analyze and interpret the texts present in large volumes of data
  • Reads all the languages of the world
  • Dynamic and realtime dashboards
  • Computational analysis of sentiments and opinions expressed within web-generated texts (social networks and web channels in general) and user interaction
  • Carry out statistical studies on the way in which information is propagated through online channels
  • Study the sentiment and the reputation loaded by the main Social Networks, Media Blogs and in general all online media

Success stories

Luca vs Boycotters

How web monitoring made the attack ineffective

What they say about me….

Turn what they say about you into an advantage

Covid19 and communication

How the pandemic was reported in the newspaper

Covid19 and allocated bonuses

How were the bonus allocated by the govenrment discussed?

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