HDM and GEST. Unity is strength, also in the health sector

HDM and GEST. Unity is strength, also in the health sector

September 28, 2021 Partnership 0

The mission of HDM group, Health Data Mining, is to offer solutions to study and deal with the various types of events in the Social, Corporate, Hospital, Finance and Energy sectors, to help customers in interpreting the phenomenon and making decisions.

Gest is a company with more than 20 years of experience, specialised in Meter Data Management and Meter Data Collection, offering remote reading, app and cloud software solutions, able to guarantee multi-protocol, multi-device and multi-frequency data acquisition, with innovative analysis tools and customised dashboards.

The common ground for laying the foundations for effective collaboration is the desire to offer innovative, high-quality solutions.

Together we are able to expand our market, but also to achieve better results, because, as Charles Darwin said, ‘in the long history of mankind, those who have learned to collaborate have prevailed’.

About HDM

About GEST


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