Month: June 2022

Twitter Analysis: sentiment and reactions to #maturità 2022

In this heated June continuing with one’s routine is more tiring than usual, this month has perhaps an inherent duality: the scent of summer and a desire for carefreeness and, at the same time, a lot of work and study commitments that make vacations seem like a mirage. Graduating seniors know this well, they are…
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June 30, 2022 0

Premi il Cuore: a virtual place enclosed in 3D graphics

“Premi il Cuore” is a virtual place, which can be visited by means of digital tools, where it is possible to meet people from the same place or from other parts of Italy. HDM Group was responsible for creating the 3D graphics project. The basic idea is to create a place where the affective bond…
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June 28, 2022 0

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